Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Running SCTS in Wine

Yesterday I did some research on how to get SyncML Conformance Test Suite running in a Linux environment (i.e. my computer running Ubuntu 7.04.) This test suite can come handly when working on my Summer of Code project which involves implementing a SyncML server.

To my help, I have Wine. I grabbed the installer from their SF page and ran it with msiexec, Wine's Windows Installer engine:

$ wine msiexec /i SCTS_DS_1.1.2.msi

Installation went without problems. It installed its files in "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/SyncML/SCTS Data Synchronization 1.1.2" without asking. The executable, SCTS3.exe, was put in the same directory.

When I tried to fire up the program ($ wine SCTS3.exe), wine complained about a missing file called MSVCIRT.DLL. In wine's system directory I found a file with similar name (MSCVRT.DLL) so hmm... let's try symlinking them.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system

Score! I have no idea what the difference is between MSVCRT and MSVCIRT but OMA-SCTS is up and running and I'm happy with that. Wine rules.


Dan Kegel said...

If that hack ever bites you, you
can grab the correct runtime DLLs
from the vc6 redistributables; see

Dan Kegel said...

Or, for that matter, by running
winetricks vcrun6
Winetricks is at